Imagine A World Without Sperm

Private chat session between asphyXy and thebigyeti prior to the creation of this thread:

asphyXy: Yo, motherfucker, let´s make a fucking funny thread!!!

thebigyeti: Yeah, dickmaster, LET`S DO IT!

asphyXy: So, I was thinking something along the lines of "Hey, what do you think of Children of Bodom?".

thebigyeti: HA HA HA...HA? Hey, but wait, that´s not funny!!!:mad:

asphyXy: YES IT IS!!! What, you like sodomy or something? Note how gay you are by the way.

thebigyeti: HA HA HA, now, that was funny, how you said "Note..." to begin the sentence and then finished it with your trademark calling of gay when you yourself are very gay.

asphyXy: Indeed I am, why do you think I have this softcore porn pic of Da Wildchild himself in my signature...? Note how you are gay and lying by the way.

thebigyeti: AHAHAHAHAHA, stop it, you´re killing me with humour! :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol: :lol:

asphyXy: Yes, well, anyway, let´s make a funny thread, american sister. Note how it would be very funny to start a thread called "Imagine a world without sperm" which reads "we would be like... dead". Note how everyone would adore us if we made that!

thebigyeti: Yes! And even though we aren´t the least bit funny we could make people believe that we were funny...even though we aren´t...funny.

asphyXy: WE NOT BE FUNNY???? WHo told you that???:mad: :mad: :mad:

thebigyeti: Yeah, Sic (you know, the striking and intelligent young lad here at the forum?) has said that...and I dare not question him because of his grandeur.:cry: :cry: :cry:

asphyXy: Fuck the ASS!!! Then have me too, asshole!!! It´s just that nobody here gets our two-year old toilet humour. Only soffisticated and intelligunt people get that. Not Sic, cause he´s obviously too mature to get it!

thebigyeti: Yeah, okey, if you say so... How about if I respond with "no shit sherlock" to your thread?


thebigyeti: Let´s do it!



Private chat session between asphyXy and thebigyeti after the creation Sic's chat transcript:

bigboy: Oh my fucking GOD, did you read that last post by Sic? I am fucking pissed!! PISSED!! I don't mean British pissed here either, I ain't drunk, I mean American pissed, I mean I'm fucking ANGRY!

ashpyx: Shit fucking yeah, did you especially notice how extra gay and lying he was today? He's always gay and lying, but today I noticed an extra boost of gayness and lies. I mean, we never said ANY of that crap!!

bigboy: I KNOW!!! That's why I'm so INCREDIBLY pissed!! I mean, OMG!!! Doesn't he have a life? It's ALL MADE UP!!! Every single WORD!! Why would he DO that? (starts crying)

asphyx: Notice that he fucking makes fun of my oversized Alexi pics. That is so fucknig gay and lying that it's almost fantastic! How in the fuck does having huge pictures of a sexy stud with no shirt on in my sig make me GAY? That is so gay and lying to say that, and CHILDISH, I would never accuse anyone of such a thing if I saw someone with a sig like that, for example. Especially sicne it's HE who's GAY! Oh my GOD it's so GAY that he doesn't SEE the OBVIOUS IRONY!! lOOOLllL!!!

bigboy: It is OBVIOUS that he is gay himself and is INSECURE about it. Did you know about that psychological phenomenon? All homophobes are gay themselves!!

ashpyx: Is that true? Fuck, maybe I AM gay myself then.

bigboy: That's a lie!

asphyx: Oh my! Golly! You know what that means don't you? It means I'm gay AND lying! OH NO! I've become everything I always hated! AAAH AAAH AAHH!!


ashpyx: Shut up!

bigboy: Man if I ever meet that FUCKED UP PERSON I am going to KICK HIS FUCKING PENIS, and then I will FUCK HIM, and after that I will CUT HIS LEGS OFF AND FUCK THEM BOTH, and then I will proceed to disembowel him, after which I will DESTROY HIM UNTIL HE DIES, and then...

ashphyx: Yeah yeah yeah. He loves fucking sodomy, that gay liar, so fucking him to death.

bigboy: Watch me now! I am going to STRIKE BACK! I will RETALIATE like NO MAN HAS EVER RETALIATED BEFORE!!

ashphcyx: Me too.

And so they made their terrifying posts on this thread and scared Sic straight.

The End.