The thread title confused the hell out of me. I was going to say, is Immortal truly back? They may have been dead on music wise, but their image just made me laugh too much, and that's not a good thing for a Black Metal band. If they were to ever return I would hope it would be minus a gimmick.
I really like Immortal, some of the heaviest music I've ever heard. It was Immortal that got me into the Viking metal scene. Until I heard them, I didn't even know it existed.

I didn't care much for their theatrics, though. The make-up was cool, but that's about it.
Ok I know that this is extremely off-topic but I don't know wherelse to go...

I came to reflect upon the vocals of Behemoth and I wondered what was up wih them,; if it's some effect and what kind and how they make that work out live?

I'd be thankfull for any answer.