Immortal -Sons of Northen Darkness



Immortal-Sons of Northern Darkness
Rating: 9.5/10
Timing : 50 minutes
Producer: Peter Tangstren
Label: Nuclear Blast

This is their newest album , from the Norwegian warriors Immortal . SOND represents the best album since At the Heart of the Winter . Unlike many "old-school" black metal bands that use raw production , no melodies ,and primitive sounding songs , Immortal delivers a brand of old-school( of heavy metal!!)fundaments mix a sort of the death-metal brutality and huge headbanging grooves in their black metal. Unlike melodic black metal bands( i.e. Cradle of Filth , Dimmu Borgir) , Immortal did not need the use of keyboards to make the atmosphere of the songs , meanwhile the guitar riffing from Abbath , have a melodic trash metal quality sound , sometimes with an influence from many 80's guitar heroes ( even some Randy Rhoads-esque riffing) . The melody is here , although the heaviness still the most important point of the album. The help of Peter Tangstren is vital for this album , creating the excellent production that offers in their Abyss Studio.

The reason that i did not give a perfect ten is because , I'm definitively still waiting better albums , that overpass SOND. For those who want a retro-metal influenced black metal , or those fans who wants headbanging
all night long , just buy it the album!!!!!!
Originally posted by Eternal_Decadent
The reason that i did not give a perfect ten is because , I'm definitively still waiting better albums , that overpass SOND.

THen you need to buy Immortal's second album, Pure Holocaust:)
Pure Holocaust is an awesome album. :)

I personally think Sons of nothern darkness is better for some reason.

Anyway all Immortal is good :D
Anyway SOND is an excellent album . I'm not too familiar with black metal , but someone recomends this album , and i heard it & rockz!!!!
Crushing. Like a Viking hammer to the Skull. Horgh's drumming is phenominal. "Beyond the North Waves" my fav Immortal song. Abbath's vocals do sound like "Popeye."
I only got this about 1 month ago and it has been frequently played in my household. The Vocals are awesome, and the riffs baby :kickass:

I love it.
Yep, I think saying PH is better is just being elitist; there is a lot more going on here and all for the better.

A top album from Immortal.
I've always thought Battles in the North was Immortal's best album, mainly because ever since then they've tried to recreate Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) again and again, but never got close to it's original genius!
I will second the opinion of Battles being their best album. It easily surpasses everything else they have done.

Out of the last 3 albums, where Immortal have changed their style considerably, my favorite is Damned In Black. Heart of Winter and Sons just dont do it for me.. I dont even know why.. They have good music, and are also good technically, but they just bore me.. Although both have some really, really good tracks.

I would give this album 6.5/10
SOND, I think set the standard and is the epitome of what everyone loves about Immortal.

Use the correct word, please.

Pull The Plug said:
Yep, I think saying PH is better is just being elitist; there is a lot more going on here and all for the better.

Agreed. Immortal got much more ambitious and musical in their later years.