
Nugent Goes AOL

Crescent Fresh!
Aug 27, 2002
Poughkeepsie, NY // Atlanta, GA
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I've recently (last 6 months) gotten into Immortal...they are phenomenal. I have Sons of Northern Darkness, Damned in Black, At The Heart of winter, and Battles in the North (which I don't like quite as much).

To all of the other Immortal fans out there...what is your favorite album of the group? Do they have any other releases worth getting? I've heard mixed things about "Diabolical Full Moon Mysticism" and "Pure Holocaust". Thoughts?
Pure Holocaust is a great album, but only for those who enjoy really fast black metal that doesn't alter it's pace for much of it... It's definitely got some good moments...
Immortal crank to the fullest extent of the black metal law.
At the Heart Of Winter is my personal fave. With Sons trailing closely behind.
Battles is a classic but takes a bit longer to get into, unless that's the kind of music you're into.
I used to despise it, and Immortal cause that was the first example of their music I was shown.
I later found their newer material, and fell in love with them. And as a result was able to go back to Battles a year or so after my first experience with the album and found I was pretty into it.
It's a bit of a bench mark really when you consider it's possibly the most extreme black metal album, surely one of the most extreme and Abbath played guitar, bass, drums and vocals on it.
Abbath rules everyone....
For the kind of music they play, all of their albums are pretty solid besides being lacking in good production at times. I can only listen to them or any music like that when I'm pissed off and need to chill out, though.
It honestly depends on what sound you like better, cause each album has a very different feel. Unless you're really into them wait on their 1st album. All are great though and highly recommended.
I own Sons of Northern Darkness, At The Heart Of Winter and Blizzard Beasts. Good band. My favourite is...ATHOW perhaps. I don't know.