Impaler Clip

Tone isn't bad. Maybe slightly higher. Bass isn't way loud but could be slightly lowered. I'd say you're very, very close. As for the drums...
The drums are a little to "clicky" for me. Especialy towards the end, there's something wierd going on there. (clicking) I thought it had timing issues before also but now I don't know. Just sounds a bit off to me for some reason. Maybe bring the drums down instead of the guitar. And bring the bass down also.
Yeah, that's better but the end still sounds bad. It kinda sounds like there's supposed to be a ride cymbal there but instead I'm hearing a faint out of time clicking. Also is there supposed to be hi-hat in the beginning? I can't hear it.
Yeah, the hi-hat is kinda buried cos for some reason it sounds shit in a mix (blame DFHS), i don't know about the ride you mentioned, strange, i'm just happy it sounds vaguely good at the mo lol. Have been getting very disheartened with mixing lately, and kinda helps me a fair bit when someone actually seems to like the mix.
actually just spotted the clicking thing, yeah again thats my crap selection of cymbals in dfhs, anyone got some tips of good hats/cymbals to choose in dfhs for metal?
I wonder how many people know the original song?:rock:

Drums sound very good to me, very upfront. Guitars are too middy and don't fit with the drums. Add lows and highs, maybe dipp out the mids. And i would like to hear a bit of the palmmute chunks for the feel.

4 tracks of guitar would help also to make it beaffy.

Cool drums!