New Tone...still after it :-\


Jan 10, 2005
Ok, new tone mp3 here:

PODxt Live, Angel PBall (Engl PowerBall) amp model, Sennheiser MD421 mic, 0% room, Line6 4x12, a touch of TubeScreamer, and now a little but of the onboard EQ on the RIGHT SIDE guitar. I added some low mids, and some mids (around 330Hz, and around 1,200kHz, respectively). The LEFT SIDE is without the onboard EQ on the PODxt. Schecter Hellraiser C7 in A standard tuning still. I'm also trying to write the song, which you'll be able to hear, heh...wish I had my fucking PC so I could do some drums in DFH...comments!

silverwulf said:
I'd like to hear it in a mix with drums...

ME TOO! Lol. I've actually been talking to some of the guys on the ToonTrack forum that do this same style of music to see if they would want to program the drums for me. I explained my situation, and one guy seems very interested. Hopefully we can collaborate and do it. I think it would be interesting to also see what somebody else would do for drums as opposed to my ideas. I just hope if we do it his drums don't suck...I mean, for his songs, the drums kick ass...but what if he interprets my music in the wrong way? I mean...there's not a wrong way to interpret it, but what if it's wayyyy off from what would fit? Hrmm. I just want some freakin drums on this. AGAIN, WHY DID MY PC HAVE TO BLOW UP ON ME!!!?!?!?!?!?!? :hotjump:

nice tone, can't wait to see how it progresses. I have a few different versions of you playing this riff with different tone, and this is my favorite so far. I would prefer a little more bass after having heard the last clip you posted, but I'm sure a bass guitar would fill that in. :rock:
Which reminds me...does anyone know if there is software out there like GuitarPro or PowerTab, but for Mac OSX? I had GP and PT on my PC,'s I can tab out the songs in something like that, it would help in writing, as well as getting the point across for the guy who would like to do the drums. Easier than listening to an mp3 clip over and over trying to catch the little things here and there. Yanno? Any programs out there?

xtremeparanoia said:
...I would prefer a little more bass after having heard the last clip you posted, but I'm sure a bass guitar would fill that in.

Yeah, I usually tend to EQ my guitars to leave room for a bass guitar even if it's not there yet...bad habit I suppose. It's like second nature to just roll off after 80Hz to me after all these years of recording, lol. The bass guitar will definitely fill that spot in.

006 said:
Which reminds me...does anyone know if there is software out there like GuitarPro or PowerTab, but for Mac OSX? I had GP and PT on my PC,'s I can tab out the songs in something like that, it would help in writing, as well as getting the point across for the guy who would like to do the drums. Easier than listening to an mp3 clip over and over trying to catch the little things here and there. Yanno? Any programs out there?


I was wondering that too...but I don't think there is. Kind of weird. :erk: Hopefully I am wrong.
Well...I did forget about the Sibelius G7 software. But I downloaded a trial and really didn't like it at all. Just thought i would add that too.
I would like something that is free, like PT Editor. I had an..."evaluation" copy of GP4 that I liked a lot but PT is what I started on back in the day when it first came out. I really don't see the point in paying for something like that..I mean...really. I love helping out the people that make programs, plug-ins, etc...but something like a MIDI tablature editor...I'm sure it takes very little programming skill to do, like a walk in the park for anyone who knows what they're doing really. Thats just me though...
