Another tone thread


Jan 10, 2005
Check it out. PODxt Live with MetalShop - L6 Big Bottom amp model, 4x12 Treadplate (Recto) cab model, Neumann U67 condensor mic model, 0% room, Schecter Hellraiser C7 w/ EMG-707's tuned to A standard (A, D, G, C, F, A, D, low to high). Fun stuff.

Yep. I think I got it kinda close to Meshuggah's tone, their's is still more smooth on the top end, but this is just the dry signal from the POD, no eq'ing or anything yet. Still working on the tone itself.

No problem, I have been using Line6 Edit on my Mac to mess with it, so there's a saved patch of it. I really want to program some drums in DFH and throw a track down, but my PC died and now I'm fucked for drums. Oh well...sooner or later I'll be back up again.

Yip. That is about perf.. zero low end mud or rumble. top end sounds good to me as well.

this is the big bottom model with no post tweak?
Yeah. Not even the EQ on the POD, this is just how it sounds. I am using GarageBand to record onto my PowerBook as my 002 and everything is at the studio and not here at the house ATM. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to really use GB, and so it's pretty much dry tracks, lol. I can't find an EQ or anything resembling any kind of processing for tracks for that matter. Oh well, it's just to sport my tone so I can get suggestions/comments/critique. In a full mix with drums, it would sound better...but I have no way of doing that right now. I still think the top end is a little too fizzy...or whatever, I me, could just be the speakers, I dunno. I trust Ether's ears :), so I'll leave it alone for now.

Yeha I double tracked it...I didn't have a click or drums or anything, so I just winged it, lol. I just played it twice. Kinda hard to do with the stuff I played.

Good one. Sounds a little bit too digital.

If you want advices here they are:
The tone needs some mid power(low mids actualy), because it sounds muddy with this bottom and no mid for the cutting highs.
There is also a lot of phace canceletion, but this is because of the track doubling.

Good luck and really nice tone for now!