Tone test

Yep, don't just copy the same take. The slight imperfections of each take coming together is actually what makes for a great fat sounding guitar track. It does take a lot of time and patience though for sure. Get that metronome out hehe. If you do find yourself having trouble playing 4 tracks of the same thing though, try using 2. I use 2 tracks regularly and it works good for me. 4 tracks also sounds great though. Try them both and see, if it sounds good then it is good.

Also, if you're using a bridge pickup like a lot of metal players, turn the gain down some more and play closer to the bridge and hit a little harder on the strings, that'll really help. Also, if you do stick with recording, I think you should get some decent monitors for sure because if it sounds great on your powered computer speakers/subwoofer, it might not sound great on some really accurate flat monitors.
Cool, thanks Hex. I'll try the 2 seperate tracks thingy after some time with my nome, gearbox for my PODXT has a built in nome in it....heheheee. I'll definately lower the gain and see where I end up with a couple tracks, or I could re-amp everything and see how that works.