Powerball Clips - Smaller Clip Size


May 25, 2005
Rehosted the clips with a smaller file (a little over 4mb, dial-up friendly). I am looking for some tone advice on the clip. A portion of the Dream Theater song In The Name Of God. Here is what I used:

Schecter Hellraiser-->Engl Powerball-->G-Flex 2x12-->Sennheiser e609-->M-Audio Mobile Pre USB-->computer. Here were the amp settings I used:

Channel 3 (Open)
Settings in o'clock
Gain- 11:00
Bass- 12:00
Mids- 1:00
Treble- 12:00
Presence- 2:00
Depth Punch- 2:00
Channel Vol- 9:00
Master Vol- 8:00

I recorded it dry into N-Track for both crunch tracks. Clean has a hint of chorus and delay. I have had a total of 4 hours of recording experience so I was hoping for some opinions/suggestions from the forum members. Is the tone missing anything?

Used You Send It since Digital Sound Planet now has restrictions on posting mp3 clips. I will rehost if requested.



You've got a very similar tone to Mr Petrucci there, although it lacks a little balls more than likely because of the synth bass. Try an SM57 on the other speaker as well as the e609, also try and use some different drum samples those cymbals drive me crazy!!
I think the guitar sound seems pretty good.. but that's in the context of that mix.

A bit more realism with the rest of the sounds is what you want to work on, imo.
How far you take that depends on what your goal is I guess.