Importing session tempos without deleting other tempos?(PT7.4)


No Care Ever
I'm recording a band that has recorded with me before, and we're re recording the songs we did a few months ago. I just want to import the guitars and tempos into my scratch track session for the drummer to play along with so we dont have to re do scratch tracks and figure up all the tempos again(lazy, i know).

I have 8 other songs in this session, so when i import the tempos from the 3 old songs into the new session, it deletes the tempos for the first 8 songs.

is there any way around this?
Brian just so you know I played around with this for an hour today and could not find a solution. I was wondering the same thing myself and the truth is that I don't think you can do it in PT LE/M-Powered. There should be a way to make a "New Song Start" and there is a "Move Song Start" function but not a "New" option under Event->Time.

If you move the song start it allows you to import MIDI to "Song Start" but that erases the original MIDI map, but then if you import to "Session Start" after moving the song start it still manages to erase the other MIDI map. Frusterating. You might want to consider downloading the Reaper trial, dumping all your MIDI maps into a Reaper session (it allows you to pick which bar you want the MIDI map to be inserted at) then exporting the MIDI from Reaper and dumping the new mega-MIDI map into PT. Who knows- maybe more trouble than it's worth.