Impression of New Samples


Jun 10, 2003
Windsor, Ontario
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Usually it takes me a couple of listens to really get into something, especially when it is a short sample.

But those two samples kicked my ass immediately.

I can't wait for the new album.

Are the songs from the demo going to appear on the next album?
Yeah dude these samples were brutal as fuck and melodic as well. I loved swampsong but this sounds like a definite improvement over it. The drums are nuts and the machine gun fire riffing mixed with the leads sounds great. I sure hope they appear on the next kalmah album.
The another one is a good sample too, but Infernal Death totaly KICKS ASS! Oh my fucking swampgod, you need no more proof than this 1 min sample to tell that the new record is going to blow our minds! Thank you swamplords, next Kalmah will be for sure a MUST BUY album.
yeah the samples kick ass!!!
i love these drums on bitter metallic side and just everything else aswell so pwerful and i dunno how to describe this....
and infernal death this slow down on the beginning damn wonderful... what should i say...??? awesome work... infernal death soooooo melodic...
nothing more to say than AWESOME :OMG:
are you sure it didnt mean that just the demo versions of the songs won't appear on the new album. And TWR was a fucken masterpiece that i see as virtually unattainable.
Ah, I misread it.

I thought they just meant that the demo wouldn't be available to buy at all. But it does say the songs will never be available anywhere.

I think I like TWR the best. They integrated the keyboards into that extremely well. Everything fit so well together on that album. To me, that is one of the best composed, or arranged albums I have heard. They didn't do it as much on Swampsong, and I hope they do a little more on the next album.
First of all, this demo was made within 16 hours, so, the quality is bad. Second, this demo will never be on public distribution and most likely these songs will appear on next Kalmah album. Third, these songs kick ASS!
I got my daily reccomended dosage of ass-kicking by listening to those. I can't wait for the new album; even if these aren't on it, apparently Kalmah's writing some killer stuff.
Sounds really promising! The riffs are still excellent. It's good to hear that some people still can write these amazing gothenburg-melodies. I just wish they hadn't put those blast beats into the verse of "Bitter Metallic Side" doesn't sound good to me :(
The website says that there is a video finished for "infernal death" does anyone know if its like a real music video or just a clip of them playing live. Also...where can i watch it?
I think its a cartoon video...its got a link to the website in the news window. But you can't watch it cuz there is no link on that website. thats the website. Kalmahs video is the only one without a link to it.....and the song kicks ass. Cant fucking wait till the new cd comes out. If the songs sound anything like this one, its gonna be one hell of a ride to listen to.