In a recent issue of Metal Hammer...


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
... I saw an ad for Solens Rotter... which is cool I guess, eventhough I despise Metal Hammer magazine. Mr. V was featured in the ad, standing there in darkness and to my dismay I noticed he has cut his hair off. All of it. Gone. I know this seems like a silly thread, or a stupid thing to care about. I mean hey, if he cut it that's cool I respect that, I'm just curious as to whether or not this is old news or if her actually cut it (maybe there's a slim chance [10%] my eyes tricked me because of the black background) or what. I ask because I can't find pics anywhere.

... I saw an ad for Solens Rotter... which is cool I guess, eventhough I despise Metal Hammer magazine. Mr. V was featured in the ad, standing there in darkness and to my dismay I noticed he has cut his hair off. All of it. Gone. I know this seems like a silly thread, or a stupid thing to care about. I mean hey, if he cut it that's cool I respect that, I'm just curious as to whether or not this is old news or if her actually cut it (maybe there's a slim chance [10%] my eyes tricked me because of the black background) or what. I ask because I can't find pics anywhere.


Well, this is really old news. As far as I remember, he cut it shortly after the release of Borknagar's "Epic", since the video for "Future Reminiscence" from that very album features a short-haired Mr. V.
And here's the proof that his hair actually was cut - made big news in his hometown :lol:
i started regrowing my hair in december 2004 about 6 months after Epic was now reaches my v could have grown his hair back by now if he wanted

and i agree...long or short hair mr V rocks the socks
same :eek:

but Draugen... from where do you have the pictures? I collect pictures of Mr V : ) because I love Vintersorg :D :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Zwendelaer once sent me a pretty picture of a slightly intoxicated Otyg cast eating chinese food together with Grimm, but it seems to have been lost in a recent hard drive overhaul. :(
Maybe he cut it short to look good for job interviews and/or less maintenance, or possibly because he got tired of it? Either way I'm assume it's still short.
I remember reading Metal Hammer and it had 20 questions with Mr V. I felt sorry for him, all the questions her was being asked were either stupid or repeating the question from before.