in all seriousness (and i'm being serious) what do you think the chances are?


Aug 2, 2002
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of another if not equally as brutal, MORE brutal terrorist attack? i feel all weird living in NYC and having everyone at work saying 'oh they'll do it again... let's hope we're at home!'.....

i dont really listen to the government's assessment (because they haven't been too honest up to this point anyway, and i think they're trying to scare people into supporting military action no matter what)

but i mean, these tapes from supposed al qaeda and stuff. can those be real? how can they want to keep killing so many people?
shit. should i move to like, alaska?
i think the chances approach 100%. you can't stop 'em all, and ONE DAY there will be another big one.

the chances of it happening on any individual day in any individual city are so small, though, i don't think it's desirable or necessary to worry about it at all. just, you know, live your life.
FalseTodd said:
I think listening to the government's assessment of the risk is a mistake.
I find it curious that whenever something negative comes out about Bush or the economy, "unnamed sources" suggest that an attack could occur "somewhere", "possibly."

that said, I think the planning for more attacks has been going on for a while. the 9/11 attacks were masterfully planned, we are more aware now but lets face it, someone with enough money and will and resources can do almost anything if they don't make a mistake.
well, obviously the government is doing scare-tactic shit, but that doesn't mean the threat's not real.

my opinion is that, generally, if WE hear of a threat, it's probably 90% on its way to being stopped already. the big attack'll come without warning.

when there HAS been a real warning--such as Ramzi bin-al-Shibh's one prior to the Bali bombing--i never heard about it until AFTER the fact.
i honestly just don't think i can mentally handle another 9/11 in this joint.

i like how on 60 minutes that time that dude smuggled nuclear warheads into the US without a hitch. yikes.
I understand the government's reasoning behind fake warnings, above and beyond the re-elect-George-Bush reasons. America IS going to suffer another horrible attack, and another, and another, and we don't have time to do the namby-pamby running around like decapitated chickens that we did for 9-11 for each future attack.

By panicking Americans repeatedly, we're becoming inured to terror. Just like the Israelis. It's going to affect us, sure, but not as badly, and we'll be able to keep living our lives even in a nation without Washington D.C. to kick around.
hah that's great

it doesn't sound too stupid, actually; it's MUCH easier to kill an american in Iraq than it would be to kill one in America right now.

and I don't have much problem with troops being "sacrificial lambs". they're fucking soldiers and it's their job. suck it up.

nevertheless i can't imagine that's a real cornerstone of Bush's foreign policy. I mean, i hope to god it's not.