in case there was any confusion


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
drinking jameson on the rocks and following it up with a "purple nipple" shot then following it up with a sam adams winter lager and topping it all off with a gin and tonic is really a BAD idea.

i just vomited inside my mouth.

my night last night consisted of free food/drink at company box for the Blues game. there were like 8 people at the game total, including our players. most of them missed the Moms of Hockey minivan carpool shuttle. i had entirely too much sodium, and feel like a Macy's balloon about to knock over a lamppost. we totally raided the dessert cart, which was extra on the company bill- $11 shots of Baileys/Kahlua all around! grab some cake too.

also, a rat ran over my foot walking to the game. he was really rude, and just ran into the side of my foot and didn't apologize or anything, just kept going.
last night we took it back to the roots and went new jersey style: man vs beast.

About 7-8 of my buddies from high school....two 30 packs of the beast ice were killed, along with some jager, green label and w33d and other slightly better beer (Michelob XXX).

I also ate a piece of toilet paper my friend wiped his ass with on the count of a bet.

new jersey.
uh, how much did you get paid for that toilet paper eating thing?

and now i definitely hope that when i see you at sunn you haven't picked up the european greeting thing and try to kiss me on the cheeks with that poopy mouth.
Pretty much, its like my own personal little brother, I can mock it all I want but I am loathe to allow others to unless their topic of criticism is true, like or lying gay governor.