In case you haven't yet noticed...


Sep 27, 2003
The brilliancy of COB was noticed by Burrn! (successful and well selling metal music magazine in Japan) in a very convincing way...

For Finnish speaking people, see:,3634,6197_206114,00.html

Alexi was chosen as the best guitarist of the year, as was also Janne in the keyboard category. COB were fourth in the "Best gig in Japan" league and HCDR reached the third place in the album division.

Also in the category of the best metal band COB ended up fourth, after bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica. The fourth place in the "song maker" category also went to Alexi.

Personally I think that especially the best guitarist award is a huge prize and a very valuable merit and I was very, very surprised to see it go to Alexi. Guitarists like Yngwie Malmsteen (don't make a comment of his music... technically he is/has been a miracle maker) and George Lynch (one of my personal favourites) have been awarded with this very same title... But I never thought that Alexi would get it this soon. Always thought that it's like 5-10 years before he gets chosen.

Hopefully there wasn't already a thread for this piece of news...
:waah: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I do NOT want ANY shithouse whiney talent-free zone of a Christopher-Street-Day NÜ act to open for COB!!!!!!!!!!!
well, congrats to Alexi (though he'll never see this) its much deserved.
and the day that the Hate Crew stoop to the level of playing with metallica and linkin park is the day hell freezes over, santa clause shoots bottle rockets out his ass on my front lawn, and i rip my eardrums out with needlenose pliers
I saw Metallica last July and it was fuckin incredible.. they played two songs from st. anger which were great!! st anger is obviously not their best, but it's heavy as hell!!! Didn't you notice or were you guys too strung out on them selling out or something. My ears were bleeding while linkin park and limp biscuit opened up for them, and I missed the Deftones.
^ I saw them last July, too. I didn't care that they played two St. Anger songs. I was just happy to finally see them play live. They really know how to put on a show! :)
dont get me wrong....i saw them last july (or was it august?) as well
i kept earplugs in for the first 4 bands and when metallica came on they fuckin rocked. i finally saw them after 10 long years and it was fuckin crazy
st anger makes it official. they have sold out. up until its release i would have argued for metallica until my fuckin head exploded, but the sheer lack of musicianship on the new album is astounding. how such a great band could go so wrong. i bought it, and returned it the next day. it was pretty upsetting
^ How is it official that they've sold out? They're just experimenting with music... there's nothing wrong with that... Metallica is the only band I know who can make any type of music and still make it sound good. Their next album probably won't be like St. Anger... it could be better or worse. They're just making music. Even though they've been in the business for a very long time, they're still learning more about it. It's a learning process. If it's something they like they'll keep it... if they don't, they'll just work harder until they do like it. I guess it's like that with a lot of bands.

I agree that St. Anger isn't what people expected it to be but I was just happy that they released something. It has a raw sound and that album is better than some albums (of other bands) I've heard... that's just my opinion.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks the Metallica-bashing is going over the top, and who is starting to get annoyed by it. I mean really, some people need to get their heads out of their asses, don't they?