Are You Dead Yet? -review.... again!


Jun 9, 2005
Vaasa, Finland

In English:

As known to Bodom, this new Are You Dead Yet? -album lasts for only about 40 minutes. In this time, the lake-metalists can indeed present music of so high level, skillful and of course ear-pleasurable, that I dont think this album is a disappointment to anyone who liked previous albums. New winds are blowing in the form of a very rock feeling and more catchy melodies, so I think these punkers will get a few more friends with this new CD along the way.

The album starts with a few safe Bodom-tracks, which are in style very close to what they were aiming on Follow The Reaper and Hate Crew Deathroll. Though the material tends to base more on very thought-out fitting, so not all songs will open to you in the first listening. Alexi Laiho prefers a half-melodic singing over the classical jaujau-screams, as heard in the titlesongs chorus, though I like his raw vocals more. The fourth track Punch Me I Bleed gives me a very strong Pantera-feeling, in a positive way. At the very same track, the band shows that they are not scared of slowing the tempo down, and at some points, even painfully down. Another unique jewel is Bastards Of Bodom, which chorus' melody implies, that Laiho still has a trick or two hidden in his pockets. We're Not Gonna Fall on the other hand, showcases the band as a very grooving combo, that does not feel like its duty is to prove something to someone. This is witnessed also in the groups stagehabits, where appearance, aggressive attitude and pure skill are combined in a way, that 99 percent of worlds other bands can only admire.

Is the new album Bodoms best so far then? Giving a simple answer to this, is complicated by, not only that I have listened to this album only 20 times, but also the fact, that my own relation to the bands two first albums was very fanboy-like. The most objective thinking that I tried to remove from myself tells, that Are You Dead Yet? is in fact Bodoms most high quality, most dynamical and does not lack balls. Okay, in short, the bands best album.

jesus jesse, merge them all into one? this is almost getting as ridiculous as Oops I did it again, and Hatecrew Deathroll OOOOH i HAVE A 2 Minute Silence in my track? what shud i do ? threads.
Turbo said:
jesus jesse, merge them all into one? this is almost getting as ridiculous as Oops I did it again, and Hatecrew Deathroll OOOOH i HAVE A 2 Minute Silence in my track? what shud i do ? threads.

Stfu loser.
I agree with the review as well. I love a lot of the songs and was very suprised to hear Punch Me I Bleed. I love that song. We're Not Gonna Fall suprised me too because it sounds like it could be on an earlier album and fit right in.
Man I only wish that it comes to my country soon, as you can notice, I live in CR, so it takes quite a while for new cdsof ANY group to come (more less 2-3 months, depending on the demand for the disc). Also, the price of each cd is more than the double, for example, a "Follow the Reaper" BRAZILIAN VERSION costs more than 20 US$, so you can guess how much will cost a limited edition of "Are you Dead yet?". I guess my only choice is to buy it from