In Flames DVD??


New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2007
Hey all,

I hope some of you can be of help, or know something I may have missed. But in the months leading up to In Flames releasing In Live We Trust, they mentioned on their website that they were also planning on releasing another DVD that focused on early work.

Does anyone know if this project was scrapped? Or an expected release date? Have they ever said anything about it since.. ?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated! :rock:
I remember that I had read an interview with bjorn and he talked about it. He said the dvd will include footage of the early years and it will be like an historical DVD or something like that.

Yea man that's exactly what I'm talking about. I could of swore it was posted in their news section on their website.. but I havn't been able to find it going back thru the archives.
i have a special version of STYE,wich includes 2 songs from wacken 03! yeah not much but better than nothin`.:kickass:

Yeah, have that...what was that one song they played that wasn't on any of their albums? Lol...confused about that...sounded pretty good, too...a cover, I assume?

I wish they would imitate Amon Amarth's Wrath of the Norsemen DVD set...that would kick ass...U&A was good, but I thought there was way to much stuff from RtR and STYE. A lot from Clayman, but that's a good album, so not a problem. Only Artifacts of the Black Rain and Behind Space from the early stuff, which makes me sad...I don't understand why they never play Upon An Oaken Throne; members have obviously changed, but technically they could easily handle the song...
...I don't understand why they never play Upon An Oaken Throne; members have obviously changed, but technically they could easily handle the song...[/QUOTE]

I agree that song rips midgets new ass holes.