In Flames Fatness with Revalver


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
man that sounds sick. i have been trying like hell with impulses and amplitube metal and cant figure out what im missing. care to give any tips on setting up your chain?
amazing, very very sick man, care to share your preset? i have some tones too check them out on this forum
holy fuck! how did u manage to get tht tone with revalver? my revalver is coming within two more weeks! can't wait!!
Settings were these:

Quad-tracked, but 2 tracks a bit lower in the mix with less gain (around 5 on the lead channel).
No tubescreamer but I had the pickups very low on this one, more punchy this way with Revalver.
I routed all four tracks to a bus and compressed there a tiny bit, just to get rid of the mud.
It's still not as clean as it could be but I assume the rest is down to playing and new strings, mine are quite used right now^^

Oh and post processing besides compression was just a HP @ 60hz and a LP @ 12k. EQ finetuning was just in Revalver, I found the sound more natural this way.
No CurveEQ this time but I compared the tone to some recordings and it's in the same area EQ-wise.
awesome discovery \m/

where can i get the cab impulse? i have some of GuitarHack's stuff, but i didnt get wat's like urs.
where i can found that guitar hack cab?

Now, don't be shocked when I'm telling you this, I mean, I was pretty stunned too, but this thingamagog the youngsters call Gooble or something... I don't know, it's this shady intar web site that finds pretty much anything you tell him to. I just typed the impulse's name in the text box thingy and clicked this grey button with my pointing apparatus, and BAM! First result: Impulses/MesaTraditionaImpules/