In Flames Fatness with Revalver

abyssofdreams, this tone is really good and nice playing. Did you do any internal tweaks in that 6505 ? what is your audio adapter ? Any hardware before your audioadapter input ?
That sounds very, very excellent and its probably my favorite tone I've heard from Revalver III. Thank you very much for posting the settings as well.
Great stuff, well done. Thanks for making this thread a "Look what I have done AND this is how I did it" thread. :headbang:

@jhawke :lol: Must check out this Gooble of which you speak.
Great stuff, well done. Thanks for making this thread a "Look what I have done AND this is how I did it" thread. :headbang:

@jhawke :lol: Must check out this Gooble of which you speak.

Yeah, just don't download their version of Intarnets Explorer which just came out. I heard it owns your soul if you use it, it's all in the license agreement.

What comes to the guitar tone, really sweet! Fat is exactly the word for it, nice job :)
Love both clips, 1st one more so. I use EZDRUMMER too, what'd you do to get that drum sound, basic kit or DKFH? Did you tweak them much and add compression/eq, if so what did you do?
I love it!, i really love it!... there is only one problem... revalver mk3 use ALL my processor... so my DFHS and everything else just hang up :rofl:..
This just goes to prove ReValver is the best modeler on the planet and you don't need to jump through a million hoops to get it to sound great either. Great job abyssofdreams, and great job to GuitarHack for his impulses!
I know many of you dislike this ultramodern sound but I was listening to Come Clarity the other day and am trying to recreate the guitarsound digitally.

Cranked loud as fuck, just random riffage @220bpm:

If interested I can post some screens, Revalver + post processing...

UPDATE: Tighter drums:

dude it sounds amazing. I'm kinda new to this forum and already learning a lot. So you use EZDrummer and Revalver and what DAW? Sorry If i missed it in another post.

What a great job.
From the screenshot he posted you can see that he is using Cubase.

It does sound awesome man, I also prefer the previous drum version, it fit better. I also would like to know if any tweaks were made to the amp, like input voltage if you are using actives, etc.

Settings were these:

Quad-tracked, but 2 tracks a bit lower in the mix with less gain (around 5 on the lead channel).
No tubescreamer but I had the pickups very low on this one, more punchy this way with Revalver.
I routed all four tracks to a bus and compressed there a tiny bit, just to get rid of the mud.
It's still not as clean as it could be but I assume the rest is down to playing and new strings, mine are quite used right now^^

Oh and post processing besides compression was just a HP @ 60hz and a LP @ 12k. EQ finetuning was just in Revalver, I found the sound more natural this way.
No CurveEQ this time but I compared the tone to some recordings and it's in the same area EQ-wise.

what is the SCH-1B? I cant seem to find it?
From the screenshot he posted you can see that he is using Cubase.

It does sound awesome man, I also prefer the previous drum version, it fit better. I also would like to know if any tweaks were made to the amp, like input voltage if you are using actives, etc.


I never had cubase so i had no clue what it looked like. thanks for filling me in.
sounds good. any internal amp settings that you've changed if I might ask?
I never had cubase so i had no clue what it looked like. thanks for filling me in.

No problem, I hope I didn't come off as condescending or anything, I think the way I worded it may have made it seem like that though... haha.

Settings were these:

Quad-tracked, but 2 tracks a bit lower in the mix with less gain (around 5 on the lead channel).
No tubescreamer but I had the pickups very low on this one, more punchy this way with Revalver.
I routed all four tracks to a bus and compressed there a tiny bit, just to get rid of the mud.
It's still not as clean as it could be but I assume the rest is down to playing and new strings, mine are quite used right now^^

Oh and post processing besides compression was just a HP @ 60hz and a LP @ 12k. EQ finetuning was just in Revalver, I found the sound more natural this way.
No CurveEQ this time but I compared the tone to some recordings and it's in the same area EQ-wise.

Can someone please tell me step by step how to set up this preset (The settings which aren't shown on the picture). It would make my day! :)