In Flames-ish melodic death


Straf Drah Studio
Apr 25, 2012
I'm having a hell of a time getting this damn bass under control. Any help would be fantastic
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I'm only listening at work on speakers, but it sounds like the guitars and drums are too pushed back in the mix. I would definitely try and use a different tone. I'd be happy to do a free reamp for this if you want, I have some time to kill in the next few days. But like I said, the drums are super in the back of the mix. I'll listen again when I get to the studio and critique it a bit more. Killer song btw
Thanks man! I did an overhaul on this last night, I'll try to upload later tonight. Thanks for the reamp offer, but this is just one song on an EP I'm trying to get released by the end of the week. I'm stuck with sims, could you recommend any that would be fitting to this style?