IN FLAMES sell out video

LiB said:
Thats the first live video of any band ive seen where the band mosh more than the crowd does.

*masturbates furiously over bleak harvests tatu sig*

Well, that's because In Flames was performing in an award show (Rockbjörn, I believe). The audience there are mostly into popular rock stuff.
What the fuck is wrong with that?
Sure the vocals were off.......but I still love the band.
Their music has taken a large turn, but NOT for the worse.

The shirt is no big deal....I think that Anders wore that shirt just to show people that he doesn't give a fuck that people tag them with the cliché term "Sellout"
LOL! They are too far gone to come back now and do anything worthwhile. They are too high and mighty on their rockstar pedistals now (literally) to descend back down to the underground/sub-mainstream. Anders can clearly see this as he's basically putting a direct "FUCK YOU" out to all the previous fans of the band by wearing that shirt. I can't believe he used to help produce such killer albums like MAYH etc...I cn only hope the next dimension zero fills the void for my craving of Jesper's good guitarwork.
Bleakest Harvest, your signature is making me sexually frustrated :cry:

I like older In Flames. They're not incredibly amazing to me but they're not so bad. The newer stuff does, however, bore me.
Inflames have lost all sense of honor and pride that should be in a radical genre like metal, and are beneath the atention of anyone who respects himself as a musician, or just a plain person with Integrity, something hard to come by in this days of hypocrisy.
Wow... there's some tr00 metal sentiments here. :)
Not really, i have no hard feelings against them, or anyone that sells out for that matter. Honesty and Integrity is a hard path to walk, one i cannot expect the cowards and the weak to follow it. So i do not resent them: I pity them, as the inferior beings they are.

Misanthrope ( when he is an egomaniac he is a FULL BLOWN egomaniac, no silly small crap )
man in flames is a joke. they SUCK. haven't been good for soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. Kinda like they are suffering form "Fear Factory Syndrome", which was first identified in 1997.