In Flames - Sounds of a Playground Fading

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
There are some cool songs on the new album. Sure it's not classic IF cause it's still got some mediocre shit on it as well as some stupid moments. This is my fave song on the album even though it's based around the newer IF style, the melodies in it are just superb IMO.

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That wasn't too bad. I'm going to buy it Tuesday regardless of what everyone else says and form my own opinion. I really liked A Sense of Purpose and Come Clarity, so I'm hoping that I'll like this one too.
People bitch about them selling out or trying to be Korn. I never get it when i listen to them. I thought A Sense of Purpose was a very good disk but it got bashedby the "troo" fans. In flames has definately shifted their sound since Whoracle, from a death metal band with catchy melodies, to a more "mainstrem" sound. But I still think for the most part they put out quality tunes, sure there are some turds mixed in, but its not like they are Queensryche.
the new disc is the same as Sense in that there are some songs where they try some differnet things for them, there are also songs that are pure In Flames.
I like it alot. Im sure it'll get bashed though critically.
The clean vocals are just horrible. Hard to believe this is the same singer as Whoracle era....