Well where do I start..Anders vocals being awful is entirely your own opinion, and I disagree. His vocals nowadays are much more diverse than before. And you do know that Björn IS a guitar player, he never was a drummer. He was literally more of a stand-in on that. But then again as you said you are just an old school IF fan. I'm sorry to say but 95% of you guys are ignorant as fuck, also often elitists. I'm not saying you are but you get my idea. But this is a thread about the new album, and I CBA to discuss whether IF sold out or whatever you old schoolers think, it will lead to nowhere as we most likely will disagree, if you don't like new IF you don't have to listen to them

There's no need running around yelling that they suck or that they are sellouts for not playing the same music like they did 14 years ago. It's hard to satisfy everyone, you don't necessarily have to agree with every album a band makes, but then you can just listen to the other ones. You don't have to be retarded going around screaming ''These guys suck! They are sellouts''.
Excuse my little OP rant but who cares really, we are like 5 people in this forum in total anyways.