In Flames with E530/5150

Great playing man..
Sounds pretty good.

Isn't it a little fast? Sounds like you've bounced it as 48k or something?? :)
damn fuck man... that was great...
Absolutely fitting tone there..

i mean, i find it is probably not the perfect(imo, too fizzy, less meat) tone but just fits here! bergstrand: got it right!
Like the last good song by In Flames(In my opinion.). :kickass:
Great cover & the tone is very good and reminds much the original track!!!
(hope that you get this as a compliment :) )

Would you mind sharing with us the chain? I mean you quad tracked or doubled?
As I hear, there is a different tone Left to Right guitars, so I suppose with the 5150 you tracked one side and with the ENGL the other? is it true or it is just my idea?