In honor of our growing number of european visitors:

I have decided to create a Soccer Hooligan Thread
hooliganism is a perfectly logical iteration of modern spectator sportsdom. complaining about one and not the other is like saying water would be nice if it weren't so wet.
no it's not.

Rooting for your favorite team and following them religiously. Perhaps crying when they lose, and perhaps even crying when they win is all fine and dandy.

Hooliganism is less about sports and more about people who have low self-esteem, horrible social lives and inferiority complexes and decide to join a group of people in the similiar situation in order to have an outlet for their frustrations.

And that outlet is usually an unhealthy one.

I tend to blame hooliganism on politics, actually.

You never see it in the US because there is no need for it, no one really cares about anything, except for the actual sport because the country is not in a state of unrest like Serbia is.

If the police and government here wanted too, they could arrest and beat down holligans and skin heads around the city all in one day, and fuck them up so bad physically and psycholigally that they would never think about being violent again.

But obviously, there are higher-ups who use such groups, and feel the need for their presence. There's a militant/ultra-conservative group here called Obraz for example, that conviniently can stop anything they do not agree with (gay parades, demonstrations supporting cooperation with the Hague, etc) by using skin heads. They stay out of it, while these groups of kids who have read one book about Hitler and like getting drunk and fighting, do the dirty work.

The serbian radical party is supported by the majority of hooligans as well, and will try and break up or at least upset anything that's affiliated with forward-moving politics, european integration, etc.

They are the kind of people who, when Albanians riot in Kosovo and kill Serbs and torch homes, these hooligans will run around Belgrade, torch one mosque and fight with cops, and rot away at universities for 10 years to avoid going to the army.

I would send all of them to the macedonian border, and see how tough they are when in no mans land, see if they would continue to sing songs about killing albanians and saving the Serbian holy land.
what azal said is true but doesn't counter what i said at ALL!

hooliganism only finds traction and acceptance in the realm of SPORTS because SPORTS and violent, prideful thuggery are inseparable.
yea i mean... my mom LOVES SPORTS and has spent her entire life... not... ever...... fighting..... with anyone.... ever...

oh wait....