In Love With Metal Already


New Metal Member
Dec 16, 2016
Hey, guys! I'm new here and wanted to say hello. A little about me: I've only been into metal for the past year and a half or so but I'm trying to keep growing my tastes and broadening my horizons, and I'm still in my teens, so I think I've still got quite a ways to go. I like Metallica (yes, I know, sellouts, but they got me into this whole genre and they'll always be my favorites), Slayer, Pantera, some of Megadeth/Anthrax/Cannibal Corpse, Death, newer Kreator/Sodom/Death Angel/Arch Enemy, Testament, and of course Dethklok. I'm going to start a new thread later for recommendations. Subgenre-wise I'm mostly into thrash and melodic death, but I'm still a newbie. I'm a firm believer in CD's, I've already begun a collection that I'm still trying to grow and that I rip to my iTunes. Feel free to ask me any questions.
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