In Malice's Wake - Debut Album/Press Release


In Malice's Wake
Hi guys, our metal band from Australia have just completed our debut album and released the following press release.


Samples and a full copy of the title track is available on our official website, or click here for a quick listen to the title track ->

Cheers for checking it out!
hey man im from melbourne, where can i buy your new album besides your myspace page, any chance you can sell it at missing link records?
Hi Razor,

I'll get onto both missing link and metal mayhem over the next few weeks, so i'll post back here once it's up.


well im heading to both stores on boxing day, so its probably asking too much on short notice, i really dislike the nikki sixx wannabee dude at metal mayhem i ran into him at the judas concert a few months ago whats the odds, but man probably the best thrash metal and possibly metal cd store in melbourne is metal mayhem, anyway if u know of any second hand cd stores that would sell metal cds plz hit me with a post, greatly appreciated :rock:

Dude from what ive herd so far Eternal Nightfall is probably the best thrash release in australia since mayhemic destruction.
Haha yeah I know who you're talking about :)

Yeah nah there's not much chance of a pre-christmas order getting in. Can you use paypal? If so we can probably arrange something if the shipping cost is whats turning you off.

Dixon's recycled music sell a fair bit of second hand metal - there's a store on brunswick st.

Thanks for the huge compliment too - Mahemic Destruction is one of my faves!
Nah man its all sweet, i can wait til whenever, its just that i try to avoid the city at all costs these days, melbourne is just pissing me off atm, dunno if its too many asians or wat

U goin to see death angel and deicide comin up early next year?

PS: i know glen benton is a dick but fuck its DEICIDE :heh:
yer man im 16, so i guess im gonna have to miss out that sucks, because im straight edge so i dont drink anyway, im gettin a fake id in march so i can catch death angel and deicide, i also herd overkill and destruction might be touring, it sucks i have to miss out dude on your concert would of loved to see you guys. \m/
Sick dudes, im picking up my copy on Saturday, im really getting sick of all this bullshit 18+ licensed events concerts, well um also 1st of June, Morbid Angel anyway il tell you what i think of your album, Thrash Til Death' \m/ :kickass:
Thanks a heap guys!

We've actually wanted to put on an underage show for aaages - it's very tricky these days finding a decent venue that is willing to do it. We will be looking at doing some underage shows this year for sure though - we've loved playing all ages in the past!
your cd was not a let down it kicks serious ass, if i had a ceiling fan it would of been ripped off by now, but yer i appreciate the attempts of an all ages gig, have you also noticed alot of teenagers gettin into metal lately like um i know so many 16 year olds that fucking love the old school shit but mainly thrash, i reckon you would be losing half your crowd playing at 18+ gigs, but anyway im not a professional reviewer like the people on metal archives but eternal nightfall is a good $28 spend cheers mates THRASH TIL FUCKING DEATH \m/ :kickass: