In Malice's Wake - my band's debut - first reviews in!


In Malice's Wake
Hi guys,

We've recently received the first of many reviews for our debut album Eternal Nightfall. So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive and I wanted to post them here. Hope this is the right forum for this kind of thing!

For anyone interested copies are available from



Metal Obsession Review - 10/10

Hard N Heavy Commonwealth Review - 94/100

Big Chaos Radio Review

Metal Archives User Review 92%

Thanks a lot!
Shaun, it was great to meet you at your album launch. I wish you and 'Malice all the best. :rock:

Buy up dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Support one of Oz's more original and talented bands.

Also, support Ermin's (Moonlapse) production as well.

Go on, you know you want to!!!!!!!!!!!
'gratz on the positive reviews, Shaun. Let's hope in the near future we see some more from 'name' publications.

I have to say though, the Metal Archives review is hilarious. The guy is trying to pull out every metaphor and analogy in the bag and it leaves his review reading like a total mess. So many words that say nothing :lol:

I hope that given you finally launched the album you can start booking in some serious gigs now and taking it out there to the masses.
Thanks Ermin!

Yeah I'm waiting on a few more from bigger publications to come through. Hoping they arrive before too long.

True on the review :) I had to look a few of those words up actually haha

That's the plan RE the gigs. Negotiating a few more at the moment, we were very happy with the way the launch went too. I think you were gone before I had a chance to catch up with ya for a beer though!

Hope the Envenomed stuff is coming along well man!
Yeah, sorry about that. I had a session the next day and had to get in pretty early. Only got a chance to have some parting words with Dave and Mark.

Great to hear some bigger publication reviews are on the way. Can't wait to see what they make of it!