In regards to the Studio diary...

Wooah, that liver casserole looks absolutely, vomit inducing!

...i didnt realise to record the violins, that the mic was so far away.. yet still captures such precise sound, tis awesome

...and in the video, that little piece of music we hear, is that part of one of the songs??!!?... 'cuz if it is, im now even more excited than before!.. that riff was so cool! haha

I have just been given the opportunity to hear some previews from the coming album (1st Song, Cheese Please, Origin) and basically I'm at loss for words to describe the pomp and grandeur of the tracks. It is definitely a naturnal development of the sound on "Battle Metal" but with an even more epic touch. They are not forgetting the aggression though and especially Origin is in parts more brutal than anything they've done! The melodies are absolutely enchanting and I'm already strolling around my house singing along with the super-glue choruses.

So fear not! Turisas will fight and conquer once again!
The album is now done and I just updated the last 1,5 months in one post in the studio diary. Sorry for not managing to keep it running till the end, but I kind of had some stuff to do...

The tracklist etc. will be published sometime soon.
Wohoo, First Off Turisas, I thank you for making such organized and well influence music, your infact one of my most favorite band i enjoy lisening to.I am Anxiosly awaiting the new album, anyways thanks again!! BATTLE METAL!!


I really can't wait.. this album is the most exciting release i have witnessed in a hell of a long time!!


Mathias: you HAVE to make sure that a photo of the pinball machine goes into the little lyric booklet with the CD :kickass: That'd be awesome!

This year is good one indeed with all kinds of new stuff by... Ensiferum, Wintersun, Turisas, Vintersorg, Finntroll, and Asmegin... damn good year for the metal godz. Lots of beer and whiskey for me too!