In The Midst of Beauty


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I haven't heard many comments on the new Michael Schenker here. Did anyone get it? I got it awhile back, but am only listening to it a lot now. I think it's a really solid. Michael sounds great - supposedly he has it together right now; hoping he tours the states with this record. Gary Barden works so well with him, I think. I really like his voice.
I haven't heard many comments on the new Michael Schenker here. Did anyone get it? I got it awhile back, but am only listening to it a lot now. I think it's a really solid. Michael sounds great - supposedly he has it together right now; hoping he tours the states with this record. Gary Barden works so well with him, I think. I really like his voice.

a lot of people say its the best thing he's done in over a decade
My review from Pivotal Rage:

Michael Schenker makes yet another comeback after single handedly dismantling one of the best bands that he had put together, that being the band that toured behind the Arachnophobiac and Beware Of Scorpions records. Fresh off his latest meltdown Schenker bounced back and enlisted the services of former MSG singer Gary Barden for the album that would become In The Midst Of Beauty, but it wasn’t enough to just have just one first class musician on board, oh no. Schenker pulled out his rolodex and called up keyboardist Don Airey who previously played with Coverdale in Whitesnake and recently landed the role of Jon Lord in Deep Purple, also heeding the call is bassist Neil Murray also of Whitesnake fame and rounding out the group is Simon Phillips who is known for his stellar drumming in Toto.

On paper it’s a fan’s dream team, high caliber players that sound tight together but in the end the result is fairly good. The Schenker signature sound and leads are there but songs aren’t as dazzling as you hoped for. In The Midst Of Beauty it doesn’t hold up to previous Barden/Schenker collaborations, but then again you can’t capture that first experience again…ever. “Night To Remember” sounds like a solid leftover Deep Purple track; great guitar groove with organ pumping in the background, “End Of The Line,” and “The One” showcase vintage Schenker riffs which are the basis of each track, “Summerdays” is a great example of the Schenker/Barden chemistry of old. “Come Closer” is a great three minute rocker that has classic rock radio staple all over it. In The Midst Of Beauty turned out to be a good MSG album; hopefully this is indeed Schenker’s first step in his climb back from his self-induced hell. I’m pulling for the Mad Axe Man.
Gary Barden for the album that would become In The Midst Of Beauty, but it wasn’t enough to just have just one first class musician on board, oh no. Schenker pulled out his rolodex and called up keyboardist Don Airey who previously played with Coverdale in Whitesnake and recently landed the role of Jon Lord in Deep Purple, also heeding the call is bassist Neil Murray also of Whitesnake fame and rounding out the group is Simon Phillips who is known for his stellar drumming in Toto.

a) it's a damn good line-up actually, I may have to check it up the album (never been a fan of MS)

b) Simon Phillips is a great session drummer who also play in Judas Priest "Sin After Sin" and have contributed to many of the last Derek Sherinian solo albums, actually to me Toto is his lowest mark :heh:
I downloaded this way back in September with much anticipation. Barden is back! Don Airy and Neal Murray also in the cast? What a flashback to my heydays!

I listened to it once and then it was forgotten. :zzz: It made no impact on me whatsoever. I've listened to it a couple more times since this thread popped up and I'll admit it is growing on me.

But it still sounds subdued to me... lacking a certain energy. There are some real cool songs in the second half of the record that come close, but there's something not clicking with me yet.

I'm gonna give this some more spins since it is growing on me. Maybe it's deeper on a real speaker system (I've only heard it on little 2.1 computer speakers).