In The woods (news)


Eternal daydreamer
May 25, 2001
Ved Buens Ende
here are some coll news I've just read in the Prophecy Productions newsletter...

Next year, the Norwegian cult act finally will release their live-double album from their last gig in Kristiansand / Norway. A video (and maybe DVD?) is also planned. For this project, the band and Prophecy needs your help:
Please call or write us when
you have any recordings, TV-interviews etc. from IN THE WOODS
concerts/interviews etc. (especially old ones) Thanks a lot for helping

I am already excited.... :hotjump:
there is also some song to download from the memorial section of the new ITW website
In the woods...
Haven;t they split up? :(
I always loved them...... yet another band sooooooooo influenced by Pink Floyd.......not that this is bad.....
yes,unfortunately In the woods... (never forget the dots guys!!!) are dead :waah:
but still they will release their last gig (29 Dec 2000) on Cd....
the song i mentioned above is acftually an unreleased song they played in their Last Live ever.....
I am listening to it right now :)
they are GODS......
Originally posted by Melancholia
yes,unfortunately In the woods... (never forget the dots guys!!!) are dead :waah:
but still they will release their last gig (29 Dec 2000) on Cd....
the song i mentioned above is acftually an unreleased song they played in their Last Live ever.....
I am listening to it right now :)
they are GODS......

HEart of the ages! that's all I have to say :grin:
Originally posted by Katmandoom
what a great band it was..

Yeah, Heart of the ages , and OMNIO!! what an album!!!

oh yeah I forgot

HEart of the ages and Omnio! that's all I have to say :lol: :lol: :lol:
ITW were one of the the greates & unique underground acts from Norway. Actually "Omnio" was a masterpiece in rock/metal music. I also loved "3x7..." however, it was more a "tribute album" and collection of old(?) songs than a regular output. Nevertheless I miss them and do not understand why they split up?!?

By the way, check out the new GREEN CARNATION album - a journey through psychedelic music from Porpunie Tree & Yes to My Dying Bride & ITW (Omnio)...Incredibly impressive!
Thanx for praising the band that much!
Hopefully everything, both cd and video, (and maybe DVD) will be finished in January 2002.... Thanx:D
Originally posted by akobro
Thanx for praising the band that much!
Hopefully everything, both cd and video, (and maybe DVD) will be finished in January 2002.... Thanx:D

you are welcome :lol: (well, i missed that post, but chosed itw in the "favorite band" thread, does it count ? :))

only one month more to wait ? that's a good news, i thought i would have to wait at leat until the next summer :)
i am happy too see that In The Woods... still moves. I was very sad when i have learned the split :(

but, did you subscribe here because one of your favorite band is hosted here, or because there will be a Carpathian Forest / In The Woods / "another project i don't know" forum hosted here ?