Nice way to slide through my reply...
I answered your reply quite specifically. You asked...
Have you purchased any metal magazines lately?
To which I replied, I don't read Metal magazines.

Regardless, I noted earlier in the thread, with regard to Christina's look, that this is merely my perception.

Sucks not thinking before you post doesnt it...
Actually, had you thought before posting, you might have realized I can't comment on the content of magazines I haven't read.





I work with the Drummers cousin. Pretty cool guy we chat about ITM a lot. As much as think the music is ok, I can't get past the vocals. They are too screetchy and out of pitch.

I'm kind of with Zod- Not many femail fronted bands catch my ear. After Forever did with their last (last) album, but not the prior ones. A lot of those bands I do go and support though for various reasons.

figured for anyone keeping up with this thread that actually likes In This Moment you should try and check out The Agonist as well.

Im not saying they're good and I'll leave my opinion to myself on this one, Im just throwin the link out there cause it seems relative enough. Though I think they need a keyboardist in their band to fill in some of their tunes a bit more.