In Your Face Tab!

That was cool posting link to my IYF tab ;) Im not a drummer, thats why the drums suck. As they do in my TL&S and Knuckleduster. I have tabbed Living Dead Beat and IF you want peace... but i havent uploaded them yet..
yip its a good tab, but I still like to tune some stuff to let it sound much better.
Some pointer, put panning on 4:4 instead of full, put all volumes on 12, put solo on 16 and solo warmen on 13, and use overdrive for rythm and solo guitar :P these settings make it sounds so much better on my pc, but the kinda soundcard you use and midi soundfont also makes big diffrence. I only have fucking stupid DLS and I cant find shit on internet for it so my midi sounds uber gay, for those of you that have soundfont support i reccomend trying to get some fonts its way cool
stoned&drunk said:
That was cool posting link to my IYF tab ;) Im not a drummer, thats why the drums suck. As they do in my TL&S and Knuckleduster. I have tabbed Living Dead Beat and IF you want peace... but i havent uploaded them yet..

NO way dude thats your tab? thats pretty amazing man, what is it with finland and their pro musicians, im starting to get realy jelouse here. your still young aswell, how the hell do you figure all the stuff out? it takes a good ear to pick up on all the stuff, kinda crazy imo.
i think the solos are correct, but obviously its doestn sound good because gp4 doesnt have room for all the effects and technicues required to play it. some people tab the solo's in strange fucked ways just to make it sound right while this one is tabbed right but doest sound good, if that makes sense...
Haha, its not so hard to tab this shit out ;) It just takes patience, and a lot of training. I always trained everything by ear, thats how its got good.... Im now in fever coughing my home here and tabbing if you want peace guitar solos, and i would upload Living Dead Beat (perhaps my best tab) but i dont feel like finshing the last few bars of drums :P
i think its a great tab just i think part of the way the solo is played is wrong, part is too hard to play and sounds kinda wrong imo, but the rest is great.