Incantation - Onward To Golgotha


Sep 7, 2007
The first thing I noticed about this album was the incredible amount of bottom end it has. I later listened to it on a pair of earbuds that strangle bottom end and it still sounded bass-heavy.

The second thing I noticed was that it fucking owns. This is top-notch, Grade-A old school brutality. Riffs are heavy, solos are wild, and vocals make Cookie Monster shit himself. Lyrically, this is all about blasphemy, and the vocalist here has the perfect voice for it. The tempos are generally slow, but Incantation know when to go fast. All the riffs chug, slam, and thrash appropriately, and the drums follow along perfectly. Bass is inaudible, of course. The overall sound is atmospheric and quite hellish. If you like death metal or even black metal you should own this release. Period.