"Incubus-y" Tremoverb


Sep 12, 2006
Hey guys,

I know this is a MEEEEETAL forum, but everything I've posted has been about mmmmmmEEETTTALLL!:rock: But I'm going back and redoing guitars on my old "rock" bands files, and I'm in search of an "Incubus-y" Tremoverb sound, I have a PODxt and Revalver MKII, but I'm having a little bit of a issue with the settings, or impulses, I can't find anything that seems to suit that "Incubus" tone, always ends up sounding plastic with HUGE rumble about 125k. Can anyone show me something to open my inner alt-rocker?

Good Impulses? Hot settings? the golden touch of the alt-rockers past?

Please, Thank you, I'm sorry, thank you, Thank you... oh my word....
The guitarist used a PRS Hollowbody if i'm right.. probably on the neck pickup.

Had a really organic sound,.. nice and thick.

So, what guitar are you using? pickups?

I'll have a hunt out for their CDs that I've got, and see if i can get any tremoverb-y impulses.
Well, all my guitars are metal, 7-strings, Ibanezes, the like, I wanted to use my new Les Paul Premium Plus and see what I can pull out of it.
Ah! Make Yourself!!! That's exactly the tone I'm going for. I can totally hear the Mesa in it, and it's got that grungry sound that would suit my old band. But everytime
I fool with it, or try different impulses, it just "plastics" up my tone.
God, I want to punch myself in the face.
The Tremoverb is just a Dual Rec with Trem, nothing special really other than they sound a little smoother, like 2-channel Duals. He started using hollowbodies on Make Yourself on the ballads, but the heavy distortion you're going for is still solidbody PRS.

Dragon pups will get you closer. They have a lot to do with the PRS > Mesa sound of the 90's. You should be able to get close with a Les Paul, but PRS are really distinctive in their midrange. Also keep in mind that Dirk's bass was a huge part of their sound and he would often use a lot of distortion. But mostly, I think it's his style of playing and use of chords as opposed to just 5ths.

I used to be in a band that people always compared to Incubus, both vocally and musically. I guess it didn't hurt that at the time I strictly played PRS/Mesa.
Metaltastic, thank you for the punch, and yea, I was hoping my Paul would get me in the vicinity, it's just weird to mix this, a.) because I have a pre-concieved notion of what it sounded like 4 years ago when we wrote it, and what I played out of. And b.) It's a live rock band, as opposed to my DFHS tunes, and c.) I usually record fast, tight, metal stuff, not alot of chording, so this is a different beast altogether.
listening to Make Yourself when I saw this thread haha.

Same here héhé (sorry for old thread resurrection).

The production and guitar tone (and songwriting) on this album are just godly. Scott Litt did an awesome job on that one (on "Morning View" too by the way).

Wouldn't mind some info on the production (esp. guitar tone) for that album.

Big Incubus fanboy here, can't wait to hear the new album.
A bit off-thread but anyone checked out Brandon Boyd's solo album, "Wild Trapeze" ? I think it's been released recently.

Wasn't much into it at first but it's been growing at me lately and i start to really enjoy it.