Indian Terrorism kills 147....on 7/11...coincidence?

Now there's a thing. Why does the fucking BBC and all our cunt press call the place "Mumbai" (because they apparently renamed it), when Yahoo call it, rightly, Bombay? It doesn't matter what they fucking call it, it is BOMBAY in English. They do the same with the Chinks. Where the fuck is "Beijing"???? It's called PEKING you shower of spineless politically correct cunts.
Fucking hell, I'm turning into Jurched...........
TheAssMaster said:
Now there's a thing. Why does the fucking BBC and all our cunt press call the place "Mumbai" (because they apparently renamed it), when Yahoo call it, rightly, Bombay? It doesn't matter what they fucking call it, it is BOMBAY in English. They do the same with the Chinks. Where the fuck is "Beijing"???? It's called PEKING you shower of spineless politically correct cunts.
Fucking hell, I'm turning into Jurched...........

Groovay! Two've me to terrorise the PC Geographers!

Maybe we divided from one another, like what happened to Bruce Campbell in ARMY OF DARKNESS?

Yeah, I still call Congo's capital LEOPOLDVILLE. Why not? Fuck em all, man. You best better believe I'm stoppin by BYZANTIUM, not this fuckin Istanbul shit.

"Shower of Cunts!" Ha ha ha, I love that phrase.

Ya know Lockjaw, I'm not gonna even read the story...All I saw was indian and 7/11 and I just blew Tecate out my nose. THANKS! hahaha.

(I hate 7/11 by the way, several weeks ago I was the victim of food poisoning at one of their fine establishments..)