oh no!

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002

the tall guy died :(


at first i thought you meant the tall man from phantasm, but then thought "no, he's already dead. i think"
actually nad, the tall man is still alive! we're hopefully going to get to meet him at the horrorfind convention in baltimore on the 20th.

no way! i thought that dude got croaked a long time ago.

too bad phantasm iv sucked, i loved the first three. :erk:

"this is not a dream boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..." :rock:
don't think i ever saw part IV but yeah...i can imagine.

i want next years christmas tree to be decorated with those ball thingies.
it's worth a rent but it had one of those "..... ........ ..... okay" type of endings where you get halfway through the credits before you realize it just ended.

those silver ball dudes are probably the creepiest thing ever, so awesome.
that sucks. i knew it was coming though. giants dont live very long. i just saw him in "devils rejects". he drags a naked chick around.

btw, the "tall man" of phantasm fame isnt dead. speaking of, the latest DVD release of phatasm has some cool behind-the-scenes stuff. check it.