Where will YOU be when the Wacko Jacko verdict is announced!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I'll be sitting here at work, it'll be announced any minute now.

Some Shitz About Mr. Insane





Is that Barbara Bush in effigy?
Not guily on all charges.

You know what would've happened to me if I held some little boy's hand on national television? I'd be visiting Shit Creek for 25 to life. That doesn't include any of the Jesus Juice crap either.

I think judges determine if they'll allow televised court proceedings.

Just like they are allowed to drink whiskey and throw ashtrays at the jury while on the bench (I've seen it).
I wasn't in the least surprised when they let him walk, one of those one bad witness and reluctance to enter a disgraced celebrity into prsion bitchdom deals...those dweebs congregating outside the courtroom, especially any who spout bullshit about Jesus being on his side, deserve the gas chamber.
Thing is, ignore Jacko for a while and discuss the jury.

Have you watched their interviews?

- Not one kid said Jacko did anything to them
- None of them said that he offered them alcohol
- The evidence was just lame

One question from a CNN reporter to a juror:
Q: "So what would it have taken to convict Michael Jackson of child molestation?"
A: "Evidence".


Seriously, the first people to look at here are the prosecution. They did a shit job. If the glove don't fit, then get the fuck out of here.

Meanwhile, Kobe Bryant lights a cigar with a $100 bill.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Of course he was found not guilty, he made Thriller. Thriller.

I love that skit from the Chappelle show.

I thought about this all day. And you know what? It's true!

Best skit he EVER did.
even if he would have gotten convicted ... how much time would he have served? 6 months .... 1 year? come on ... the whole trial was a joke.