
New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2008
As we all know the whole grass roots movement is growing stronger and stronger with labels downsizeing and not signing as many artists. It seems that artists now have to take it into their own hands more so to push themselves to that next level. so if there is anybody out there looking for the best resource for promoting your music. I have found it. It is a company called Indie Power. They are a one stop shop for artists looking to go the more Grass roots approach which so many top selling artists are doing now. They offer everything from creating promotional items to pressing and packaging cds and other merchandise as well as international distribution, licensing , online promotion and marketing campaigns. So if you are serious about your music and getting the exposure to make music as a career go to or check out the video, and see what some of the top rock acts, and music executives have to say about indie power. sorry if this sounds like a spam message I just want to spread the word of a great artist friendly company.
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