Industrial Slam Death


Anti-humorizing DL Whore
Mar 22, 2009
New Jersey
All I know is Dripping. I don't know if Wormed counts :p

Well I probly know none. But it would be fucking awsome if I got a couple good mentions.

NO regular death metal. I want SLAM RECS!!! That are INDUSTRIAL RELATED!

ART 238 - Empire of the Atom

Not exactly pure slam, but it has some evident influence of both slam and industrial in it.

They also have a demo that you may want to check out.
Jenovavirus is close. Masturbation's Putrified Vaginal Infibulation isn't "industrial" but it sure sounds inhuman, mechanized and terrifying.
All I know is Dripping. I don't know if Wormed counts :p

Well I probly know none. But it would be fucking awsome if I got a couple good mentions.

NO regular death metal. I want SLAM RECS!!! That are INDUSTRIAL RELATED!
I too have been looking for industrial slam. But since I couldn't find what I was looking for, I deicided to make it myself. Slampire
I see you resurrected an old thread but I've got an on topic rec so fuck it.

7 H. Target

Russian band conceptually based on Tetsuo, the most industrial movie ever.
This thread partially inspired me to start my new project, Slampire. So as soon as I had a track ready, I had to post it here.