Slam-death with a good groove

False Joe

Who cares.
Oct 12, 2007
Sheep fucking land somewhere.
I don't know if you're just gonna say "ALL SLAM DEATH BANDS HAVE GROOVE FAG" but anyway yeah.
Looking for it with tempo changes etc that just makes it into a tune rather than a wall of noise, that puts me off some brutal bands.


EDIT: Goretrade, or maybe Digested Flesh is an example. Where it changes tempo and stuff :p I'm not even sure how to describe it :lol:
EDITEDIT: Or Agony Through Rituals of Self Mutilation. Where it's chugchugchug then speeds up, then slows down, and chugchugchugs again.
Already tried Abominable Putridity. Ace stuff.
Putridity didn't really do it for me some reason. Neither did Stabwound
Nor Infernal Revulsion :erk:
I know it's not the genre because I enjoy stuff like Arsebreed, Goretrade, Meathook, Down from the Wound, Flesh Consumed, Decaying Purity, Sufferatory, Clitoridus Invaginatus, Septycal Gorge, and Inveracity.
Poppy Seed Grinder

This name made me lol if nothing else. Actually that's the kind of stuff i'm looking for. Fucking ace.
Cumbeast are pretty good, though the vocals seem a little high in the mix. Though it's kinda fixed in the new album, but not much. Still pretty good though.
Don't like Katalepsy much. :lol: Fuck I'm picky about this shit.
Human Rejection is so-so. It's got everything about it that I should like but for some reason just isn't clicking.
Gortuary is alright.
The start to dancing with my sons corpse is fucking unnerving. The music that follows is ace.
Amputated Genitals was abit shit.

Cheers for the recs CC.
I have a feeling as you get a little more into the genre you'll get into some of these bands. I'm having a hard time discerning a pattern in what you do and don't like :hypno:. If you want unnerving samples try Dripping. Crazy samples all over the place mixed with some crushing slam. One of my favorite bands.
Not really pure slam imo, but really excellent:
Goratory - Orgasm Induced Diarrhea. Has some great grooves but then also some brutality and the production sounds really good.