Infernal Death music video??


Mar 8, 2004
I beleive that the Music Festival which was supposed to feature the music video of Kalmah's new song has pasted. Does anyone who knows whether or not this Video is available for download? I'm sure everyone on this board is highly anticipating it. Thanks.
I want a live Kalmah's video :)
When the video gallery section in site is going to be reopened?
I just wasted much time. Glad I checked here after I looked around .
Is it a cover of the Death song or did they just decide to name a song of theirs Infernal Death as well. It's arguably the first Death Metal song ever(yes yes Possessed got a record deal first). It's on the album Scream Bloody Gore for those who don't know(released in 1987).
Talking about Death, do you know that some Chuck Schuldiner material will be released? Some old demos and incomplete songs.
i tried asking the person who made it, no luck though.

and my answer was "Sorry! No chance right now. It will be on Kalmah-dvd in the future."

hope its not too far off.
Kalmah dvd? Great!
Hey Kalmah guys, how can you manage the 2 last Kalmah albums to be sold in Brazil? Only Swamplord is being sold here. And if the 2 last albums are not sold, probably the DVD won't. There a lot of fans here, but we have to dload the albums if we want them...