

Mar 18, 2004
Is Kayo Dot in any way influenced by Slint? The other day I downloaded Slint - Spiderland, and am listening to it right now, it's quite familiar to Kayo Dot's style. :erk:
i think it would be interesting if bands would open up more about their influences and learning processes. obviously, its the generic interviewer question, but the answers should be interesting, not generic, which is usually how it works out. "oh you know, the usual stuff..." I used to play guitar, and in fact used to actually try pretty hard, even though i never got anywhere with it, but i remember specific details about learning and trying to play with other people and in particular improving my capacity by figuring out music from my fav artists.

i like that toby is really specific and wordy when he talks about his music and what it's supposed to be. a lot of artists aren't really willing to give you anything and fall back on that 'oh you know, listener interpretation' crap.

i have to interview three fucking musicians today. i hope they give better than one word type responses.
the guys from kayo dot seem pretty upfront about their influences. toby went on and on about tiamat in an interview a while ago and greg's and forbes' posting consists like 50% of stuff about the bands they're influenced by.
AndICried said:
i think kd sounds like godspeed you black emperor because like they have violins.... and so do you............ see the connection????!!!!!!!!!
Uh come on you don't have to mock me, it was just a simple question.