Info on Mikko Karmila (Finvox Studios)?


Mar 27, 2006
Hi there!

Most albums produced/mixed by Mikko Karmila sound fucking awesome, but I cannot find any info on the guy. No interviews no hints on what guitar amps, mics, etc. he uses....nothing. Did anybody record with him or has some links with info on the way he works?

Just listen to the latest Masterplan Album he mixed (select the 4th track in the playlist on the right):

New Masterplan Song

Even in that lo-fi version I think it sounds fat and modern but still very natural and clear somehow....
Yeah, Karmila mostly does just mixing. The majority of his produced/mixed stuff is recorded by other people in various studios around Finland. The tracks are then sent/taken by him to the Finnvox studios (arguably the best studio in Finland for any music style).

However, he does record stuff too. Most famously (for Finns), he is always with Kotiteollisuus during the songwriting, recording and mixing process. I think he also recorded Nightwish for the last few albums?

Here's the credits for different Nightwish albums:

Once - Recorded by Karmila & Tero Kinnunen
Century Child - Recorded by Tero Kinnunen & Karmila
Wishmaster - Recorded by Tero Kinnunen & Karmila
As far as I know (and please do correct me if I'm wrong), Karmila has also produced and mixed Children of Bodom's album "Are you dead yet?". I'm amazed every single time I listen to that record. It sounds killer even though I haven't been a big fan of the band's earlier work. Shit, I know who I'd hire for my band's debut if it wasn't for the money :D
AFAIK Karmila likes to use Soundcraft Spirit Studio desk for drums. Based on the photos I have seen, he doesn't really care what mics he uses on drums ;) I have seen 57's and 58's on toms and snare. Snare reverb is usually from AMS RMX16.

My favorite Karmila mix is Thunderstone's The Burning.
whatever floats your boats kids :D…..although I can't say that I've ever felt compelled to get into hot and sweaty box with my former bandmates. Hell, I wouldn't even share a bog with a drummer! :D
What would that cost Gavin? if you don't mind me asking, otherwise.. ignore this :p

We have a couple of CD's mastered by Jussila and I think it was about 1000 euros. It was paid by the record company so I didn't see any bill but when I wrote him I remember that was not too expensive.
Mixing is very expensive, the fees of Karmila were too high for the company so we finally had a cover artwork by Derek Riggs instead of a good mixing. It was a mistake cause artwork was not good enough. If I could turn back time I would pay for the sound and not for the artwork.:cry: least I got some clues about the guy from this thread. Maybe he turns ob here one day like some of the prducer/mixing VIPS have....hehe