Information about the next album


Sith happens
Nov 15, 2001
There is a little bit information about the next COB album on Kaista. This is all in finnish. A little translation can be found in the forum of another COB site. under the topic new single. I post the translation here:
"According to Janne Wirman, COB will sign new label contract after Wacken Open Air-festival in August. After signing, the new single will be released in few days. COB will record their new album in Astia-studios in Lappeenranta and the album should be released in January-February 2003. COB has now nine new songs and Wirman says that those song are very hard stuff"

If this is true, then it sounds very good. Too bad that COB won't record in the Abyss studios again. Although Peter Tägtgren doesn't want to produce that much anymore, he said that he would produce albums of bands which are his friends, like Immortal or Destruction.
I just hope that the new album won't have the same sound as almost every other finnish Metal album which is recorded there.
Anyway: The most important thing is that the new stuff kicks ass.
Astia is a good Studio with a good sound crew ( from what I've heard so far! ). But what's that with the new label contract? Another label or will they just lenghten the contract with Nuclear Blast?
Yeah, Zarok, you're right....most important is that the new stuff rocks...I'm curious if there will be any bigger changes concerning the songwriting....
Zarok, you are right about sound from Astia- studios. Bodom must change something cuz it would be pitty for them to sound like others. They are special band !
Originally posted by Iceheart
But what's that with the new label contract? Another label or will they just lenghten the contract with Nuclear Blast?

Bodom is at Spinefarm, not at Nuclear Blast.. Nuclear Blast just imports their cd´s to some countries.. :) There has been rumours that the new contract is going to be done with Spinefarm, but no one knows what will happen.. :)
Originally posted by NorthernComfort

Bodom is at Spinefarm, not at Nuclear Blast.. Nuclear Blast just imports their cd´s to some countries.. :) There has been rumours that the new contract is going to be done with Spinefarm, but no one knows what will happen.. :)

Yeah, you're right...I mixed it up for a second.. ;)
Hey Zarok..

I´ve received an answer from Hennka last week and he told me the same thing as you saw at this site, they have 9 songs (he said they kick ass) and will start records after wacken.

So, I think it´s true.
anyone else thinking less speed metal style bodom songs and more Everytime I Die style songs on the next album?

Either way, im looking forward to it :rock: Great news.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
anyone else thinking less speed metal style bodom songs and more Everytime I Die style songs on the next album?

Either way, im looking forward to it :rock: Great news.
I remember that Jaska said in the guestbook two or three months ago that there "won't be blast beats on the next album but some fast stuff anyway".
Originally posted by Final_Vision
anyone else thinking less speed metal style bodom songs and more Everytime I Die style songs on the next album?

I do ... im bored with COB material ... i wanna see them evolve and do something diferent...