Ingar from Conception.

AngraRULES said:
Yes. Why, you dont think so?
Nope. I think Conception is an excellent band. However, I wouldn't say "they're one of the greatest bands ever".
AngraRULES said:
What's one of the greatest bands ever in your opinion?
Everyone's take on this subject varies. If you think Conception is one of the greatest bands ever, I have no problem with that. I just don't see it that way.

Dark One said:
Dude take a chill pill. "Harping on poor Ingar" isn't even remotely close to all that's being posted around here.
Agreed. Personally, I have no problem "stage antics". Hell, I cut my teeth on 80s Metal. Stage antics were simply par for the course. That said, I found Ingar's "antics" to be a bit of a distraction. Him humping Khan and blowing Tore aside, his stage personna is a bit left of center, to say the least.

By the way, I would be remiss if I didn't mention his bass play. While he's not as technically proficient as many of the players who performed over the course of the weekend (or at least he didn't demonstrated as much during Conception's set), his bass lines fit the music flawlessly.

General Zod said:
By the way, I would be remiss if I didn't mention his bass play. While he's not as technically proficient as many of the players who performed over the course of the weekend (or at least he didn't demonstrated as much during Conception's set), his bass lines fit the music flawlessly.

Absolutely - I never once even came close to thinking "man, where's the rhythm in THIS song going?". Quite the contrary, he was a well oiled machine out there, and really, so was every other band member.
General Zod said:
Nope. I think Conception is an excellent band. However, I wouldn't say "they're one of the greatest bands ever".
Everyone's take on this subject varies. If you think Conception is one of the greatest bands ever, I have no problem with that. I just don't see it that way.


Oh Zod, believe me, I agree with ya... I was just curious to see what his favorite bands would be... Believe me, it was all about curiosity...
Sautherom said:

there are some video there.....

Norwegian black metallers CREST OF DARKNESS have posted the following update on their official web site:

"Some of you might now that Ingar [Amlien, vocals/bass] has joined his old bandmates from CONCEPTION to play a few reunion concerts this autumn. Because of this, and the fact that it has been pretty silent around CREST OF DARKNESS the latest months, some people are wondering what's happening with CREST OF DARKNESS now? To make it clear: Ingar is giving his 'dark child' CREST OF DARKNESS the highest priority also in the future!!! He has, of course, laid quite a lot of work into CONCEPTION when they have prepared themself to their 'comeback,' but all through the summer CREST OF DARKNESS has worked with new material to their forthcomming album. CREST OF DARKNESS has also played a few selected conserts, and they are also going to make the live DVD, which has been planned for a while."

As previously reported, CREST OF DARKNESS have set "Give Us the Power to Do Your Evil" as the title of their fifth full-length album, tentatively due next year.

CREST OF DARKNESS' fourth album, "Evil Knows Evil", was released in early 2004 through My Kingdom Music. The follow-up to 2000's "Project Regenration" was recorded at MLP Studio in Gjvik, Norway with co-producer/engineer Nils H. Mhlum. Mastering took place at Outer Sound Studios with Giuseppe Orlando (NOVEMBRE).
*harsh critique mode*

Just as I consider Conception towards the bottom of the pile of Norwegian "progressive" metal, I can't imagine "Crest Of Darkness" being noteworthy Norwegian black metal either. It's Norway. ;)

*harsh critique mode off*
AngraRULES said:
Oh Zod, believe me, I agree with ya... I was just curious to see what his favorite bands would be... Believe me, it was all about curiosity...
Hey AngraRules, given your screen name, I'm curious to hear what you thought of Angra's performance. I was looking forward to them more than anyone else. However, I was sorely disappointed with Edu's (whose vocals I love) performance. Thoughts?

General Zod said:
By the way, I would be remiss if I didn't mention his bass play. While he's not as technically proficient as many of the players who performed over the course of the weekend (or at least he didn't demonstrated as much during Conception's set), his bass lines fit the music flawlessly.


Exactly, General - in the interview recently posted on here, he said just that - he feels the bass player has a specific job and that's what he does. Truthfully, I have come to appreciate his bass playing more over the past month listening to the Coneption CD s on headphones - he's not doing crazy slapping or popping or anything but he does a great job.

(Oh and after years of seeing your name and avatar, it was cool to actually run into you and The Whisper out on the floor before Conception's set...:rock: )
General Zod said:
Hey AngraRules, given your screen name, I'm curious to hear what you thought of Angra's performance. I was looking forward to them more than anyone else. However, I was sorely disappointed with Edu's (whose vocals I love) performance. Thoughts?


Well Zod, as much as I love Angra, I can't lie about not being disappointed by their set. I didn't think Edu had the worst night ever, but I thought his vocals were too low and Kiko's guitars too high (as far as volume goes). His vocals seem to be a little bit off at points, not all the time. Also, the setlist disappointed me big time. They cut four songs that I was looking forward to see big time : Wishing Well, Late Redemption, The Shadow Hunter and No Pain for the Dead while keeping unnecessary ones like Acid Rain for instance.

It was fucking amazing though to see Carolina IV and Never Understand. Despite all of the downs, these two songs made their show worth it, but far from being the highlight of the festival, as I was expecting.
it's a concert, things won't go as everyone expects or wants them to be/happen. appreciate a concert the way it is performed.