Injuries suck


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Seem to have acquired a very painful muscle strain in my neck which is keeping me off work and basically means I can move my head! Arghhh!! Been prescribed some heavy duty painkillers...which so far are not helping!:yuk:
Ouch, at least you get off work though eh?

I remember years ago it was a school morning and i woke up feeling fine, but rather tired of course, and i went down for breakfast but was so tired i decided to lay down on the sofa, i may have felt a small pain in my neck. Within minutes the pain in my neck got so bad i couldnt turn my head due to the large amount of pain it put me in. So then i spent the whole day lying there unable to move, wasn't much fun!

The doctor came round and decided it would be fun to force my neck round through the nasty pain. Can't remember what it was all about but it wasn't anything serious and he gave me something which took care of it by the late afternoon/evening!

Hope ya get better soon Steve!
I've had similar problems with my back, as a result of bowling too fast at cricket without properly warming up. Sucked hard man. Just take it easy, Steve, and I'm sure you'll be fine before you know it. Hope you feel better soon dude.
Ooof that does sound shite. Get well soon matey! :kickass:

I've got constant aches and pains with my neck. I'm always cracking it and trying to get rid of the permanent cricks n stuff. The doctor told me there was nothing he could do and that I just had "a funny neck" which was nice :)
Doctors on the whole are useless, with me, and many other people i know too, they just say ahh well, probably nothing.

For example i went in as i was having crippling chest pains right over my heart every so often, literally paralysing me with pain. Doctor's response? Well yeah young people often have chest pains but it's usually nothing.... well if i die of a heart attack anytime soon i'll bill them for the funeral! Also they can't diagnose my stomach pains that i get every three months which leave me in bed in horrible pain for the whole day, but at least with that they did some tests...
Sounds very similar to something I did a while back. Funny thing is I didn't do anything that could have caused it. I just laid down for a rest, and as I did so I felt and heard something.....then this awful burning sensation took over, the pain came and it was two weeks before I could actually turn my head to the right hand side again. Lucky I was in the middle of a week off work to start with.

Sounds most unpleasant anyways, get well soon mate!!:kickass:
Symphony said:
Well I'm on something called Diclofenac sodium....powerful stuff! Feeling much improved already...makes ya tired though! lol!

I had to take Diclofenac recently after an op ... it really did the business ... but as you say makes you usesless for anything else other than sleep. Get well soon Steve ... and will I be seeing you at the Stock in the circs? I know it's probably on another thread but I am an infrequent visitor to these parts these days and I don't have the time (or the inclination) to trawl back through everything ... :)
I had something similar years back...went to sleep one night all fine, then woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible pain in my neck which meant that my head was constantly tilted to the left and I couldn't move it. I got diagnosed with an ear infection!! The stuff they gave me did gradually work though!
Yeah I had an ear thing related to my neckl problems...weird huh?

I recommend tea anyway.

A steaming mug of milky sweet tea...and a lie down in a bean bag...and Sacred Land played loud.......ahhhh bliss :D
Power_Metal_Dom said:
...and Sacred Land played loud.......ahhhh bliss :D

If only I could have had that...I had my problem when Power Quest were just a twinkle in the milkman's eye. So to speak.