InnerSiege - Kingdom of Shadows : CDBaby Samples

Jeremy Ray

Vocalist - InnerSiege
Apr 25, 2011
Peoria, IL
Hey gang !

We are finally on iTunes, CD Baby, CM Distro so I can share some samples of every song off the album.

iTunes :

CDBaby : :

Century Media Distro = CMDistro

I have been very surprised and humbled by the overwhelming positive reviews and comparisons blog sites and fans have been making.

Hope to see some of you at one of the shows.... Especially YOU Chicago Posse ! :-)

Here's some embedded youtube videos of two tracks.

InnerSiege - Children of Winter

InnerSiege - Dragon Rider

Here's some embedded youtube videos of some LIVE tracks.

InnerSiege - Children of Winter - LIVE

InnerSiege - Fight On

InnerSiege - Iron Lotus

InnerSiege - Iron Lotus
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@ Diabolik - Thanks ! We are looking forward to it as well ! Weve been wanting to get up there again and play for a while now. It WILL be a good show. No doubt about that !

I got word today that InnerSiege is now on iTunes !
So, that makes, CDBaby, Amazon and iTunes to get downloads and Amazon, CDBaby and the Roxx Productions page for a physical copy. The label also said CDBaby and Amazon already sold out of the first inventory !

Thanks ! See ya in Chicago !


This is fantastic stuff. I'm normally waaaaay more prog than power so I may have not noticed this album or band before but a search through brought me to these guys. They are self described as Euro power metal-ish, but I think that sells themselves short as they are more than that. It's great to hear some fist pumping stuff with so much melody mixed in. I guess the best description is to mix some Lethal with a little Edwin Dare, wrap it up in Human Fortress and throw in some Axenstar. This is just a driving force of melodic metal that appears to have gone somewhat unnoticed. Not my normal listening but it may well be now.
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