Innosense - For you Khan fanboys out there!

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
This dude has a voice that's very close to the ex Kamelot man. Personally I think his voice is too good for the band. They are ok but his vocals need a better platform to shine. It's not often where the singer is better than the band. I think this is one such occasion but like I said the band is not horrible just nothing special IMO.

Actually I think these guys are better than I gave them credit for. The production is not terrible Madman, sure it's not brilliant but it's acceptable. The songs have won me over big time though. Good stuff if you enjoy melodramatic and emotional prog metal with Khan like vox this is worth it IMO. In other words BUMP!
Production is not terrible. In fact, I thought it sounded better than some of the stuff the Madman has shown us.. :lol:

The music might not be groundbreaking or anything, but it's decent. I don't think it's that close to Kamelot, though Khan is probably an influence on the singer.
Disclaimer: I'm not quite a Khan fanboy.

I think it's a bit difficult to judge production quality via YouTube and through computer speakers myself. :) It sounded pretty good overall, and I can hear a few Khan-like moments with the singer, but it isn't constant. They have potential and I'll be giving their other stuff a listen.
I am NOT judging through youtube. I have the entire album. It did nothing for me due to the really thin production. As a drummer I want and expect a little more meat and potatoes in hearing the kit. Its a PREFERENCE. If you like drums that sound like dixie cups....thats great...I on the other hand do not. I am not knocking the talent of the band, I just cannot get into the album due to the lackluster production.

And please spare the "all bands can't afford ex amount of money on production". As I proved before with this old band from 1995 (with me as a drummer) spent 500 bucks at Cotton Hill Studios in NY, and got a drum production better than this.

I think the band has tons of potential and talent. I just cannot get into these really thin sounding albums.

Oh and for the record? These "computer Speakers" are JBL 5.1 surround sound with a M-Audio soundcard.
I love these guys!! The dude knows how to sing ;)

Got to agree with my bud Andy on this one, as to what Madman says well it is his opinion, and I have really not liked some of the stuff he raves over, some of them also have "terrible production" as he said different strokes for different folks"
Just out of curiosity what are some of those bad produced albums I like that you don't? (again production wise not song/band wise) I'm just curious to see the vary opinions on what people like in production value.
Haha are you sure you are not confusing me with someone else? I am not even a Lord Bane fan! I couldn't hum a single song for ya right now if my life depended on it!
Can't name any right off the top of my head, will have to go back and search. Don't get me wrong i like most of your playlist from your show and i listen to it often. You got to remember we all have our own ideas as to what makes a good production versus an awesome one versus a really thin production.
Thanks for posting. I like the vocalist's style very much. He doesn't remind me of Khan except for a few phrases, but he's passionate like Khan (bringing to mind his Conception days more than Kamelot).

Did a bit of searching for more from the vocalist (Vasilis Georgiou) and found this band which sounds quite good.


Too bad this stuff is on indie labels from Greece and not very accessible if you like collecting discs.
No drum production issues in this song. One of the most beautiful I've ever heard.

Anyone has any idea where one can order the Innosense and Black Fate discs? none of the usual vendors seem to carry them.
