Innovative black metal

"This band has alot of potential and I'm excited to see where they will be in 2 or 3 years. "Amidst Her Shadows" is a perfectly legitimate spring board to much better things and this band will look back on it with amused satisfaction. Sort of like a managerial position at Burger King.":lol:

Yeah it's an amusing analogy, but still quite a big compliment. He gave AHS a 4 out of 5 and if you look on his profile he says:

For my ratings (rating: value assignment -- feeling most readily associated with) :

5: Absolute Masterpiece -- :| ("!")
4.5:Outstanding -- :O !!!
4:Very Good-Excellent -- :D !
3.5:pretty Good-Very Good -- :) !
3:Decent-Goodish -- Meh.. :)?
2.5:Mediocre-baddish -- :( !
2:Bad. -- :)|
1.5:poor -- >:|
1:Horrid -- >:C
.5:*shudders* -- xO !!!

Anything 3.5 and over I like substantially, anything 4 is potentially a masterpiece IMO.